Hotel Booking App
Design and user experience for the Hello Rewards mobile app. I designed a rewards and booking app for Red Lion hotels that was focused on providing a premier digital experience to new and incoming guests. One key focus was driving additional upsells and upgrades that could be instantly added during the booking or check-in process. A question posed was ‘how to get a guest to spend an extra $20 dollars?’
Initial view of the Hello Rewards hotel app. Search and quick find functionality is initially visible.
Find a hotel interface. The focus was on quick booking options.
Minimized view of property cards.
View of date selection.
Filter and options that let a user select distance, price and brand filtering options.
Viewing available add-on's and upgrades. These options were definable by the hotel and could be displayed during the booking process. The visibility of these options typically garnered an extra $20 per guest check-in revenue during the booking for check-in process.
Room detail selection with available upgrades.